Thank you for your interest in Williamson Hi-Flo RamPumps Please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you shortly. Starred (*) items are required Your Name (*) Please let us know your name. Your Email (*) Please let us know your email address. Phone Invalid Input Please add country code if outside NZ Town (*) Invalid Input Region (*) Invalid Input Country (*) Invalid Input How many litres per second can you get from your water source and what is the water source? Invalid Input e.g. creek, river, stream How many litres do you require per 24 hours and what are you wanting to use the water for? Invalid Input What is the vertical height that you want to pump the water to? Invalid Input What is the vertical fall you can get from the water source down to where the RamPump would be positioned? Invalid Input Keep in mind that the optimum is a 10:1 ratio of height pumped to fall used with the drive pipe on a 1:4 incline Any further information or questions you may have Invalid Input Antispam (*) RefreshInvalid Input